Yekaterinburg ➔ Barnaul

Airline tickets Yekaterinburg – Barnaul

According to the most recent update non-stop routes are available for this itinerary. Check the schedule and make a search for details.

The direct flights from Yekaterinburg to Barnaul are operated by Red Wings Airlines on airplanes — Sukhoi superjet 100.
The average duration of the flight is 2h 30min.

The flight schedule is valid from Jan. 13, 2025.

Cheapest flights Yekaterinburg ➔ Barnaul

Make a search to see the best flight deals for this itinerary

Cheapest round-trip flights

Yekaterinburg Barnaul
WZ WZ 1075
18 days
Yekaterinburg Barnaul
WZ WZ 1075
9 days
Yekaterinburg Barnaul
WZ WZ 1075
14 days

How to find direct flight for the route Yekaterinburg – Barnaul?

If you only want direct flights check the schedule of flights and active days. You have to keep in mind that for some direct flights the round and return flights can be operated on different days of the week.

If you do not find a direct flight, please contact us and we will send you the best offer.

Itinerary and airports

The aproximate aerial distance between Yekaterinburg and Barnaul — 1,489 km (925 mi).
The distance is calculated as a direct line between the points without taking into account the actual flight path.

Airports in Yekaterinburg

Airports in Barnaul

When planning to travel between these locations you need to consider that they are in different time zones.
Yekaterinburg is behind of Barnaul with 2h 0m.

About this page

You got here because you searched the internet for flights on the route Yekaterinburg (SVX) – Barnaul (BAX). And you've come to the right place - here you'll find the most detailed itinerary information and the best flight deals.

Here we gather and update all the useful and important information for the Yekaterinburg – Barnaul itinerary: flight tickets prices, flight schedules, active airports and airlines.

On this page you can see some offers found by our users within the last 6 hours. If there is no offer then make a new search.

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How to find the best price from Yekaterinburg to Barnaul?

You can explore the lowest prices for this itinerary here:

To get the updated sale price, click on a deal.

How to book flights from Yekaterinburg to Barnaul?

Airline tickets in 2025 are fully booked online - fast, cheap and simple as 1, 2, 3.

  1. 1 Make a search and choose an offer
  2. 2 Fill passengers details, select baggages and services
  3. 3 Pay and book the airline ticket

That simple! Air tickets are issued electronically and are sent to your email address, and can also be accessed on the website where you booked.

Hotels Barnaul